Did You Know? The Fastest KO in Pro Boxing History Happened in 10.5 Seconds

Did You Know? The Fastest KO in Pro Boxing History Happened in 10.5 SecondsFebruary 6, 2014

The fastest KO in the history of pro boxing is held by former welterweight boxer Aurele "Al" Couture ever since 1946! Couture passed away in 2,000 at the age of 77, but his amazing record is here to stay for a long time and probably forever.

He had 296 professional fights during his boxing career and it was against Ralph Walton, when Couture delivered a knock out punch in just 10.5 seconds. When the bell rang, the 2 boxers leaped out of their corners, but Walton had forgotten his protective mouthpiece.

At this point, the corner man yelled at Walton which caused him to turn his head. All this happened at about the same time that the bell rang and Couture immediately threw a left hook to knock out Walton with this single punch in the fight.

This record is likely to stay forever and that is because according to today's regulations and rules, the referee would stop the match if an incident like this occurs and both boxers will be sent back to their corners and the fight will resume when both are ready.


Top 50 Boxing KO's Ever

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